Josh & Nicole Marburger | One Love Skate 2015 Update
The video above and this journal will explain 3 parts of One Love Skate:
1.) #OneLoveToTheNations
2.) #LiveOneLove
3.) #OneLoveSkate
Sam Peralta traveled to North Korea this year to share the One Love of Jesus by using skateboarding as a tool. Check out his journal: "Teaching Skateboarding in the DPRK." Also, Sam recently led our 6th skate jam with the County of Maui. The County said:
"Another fun South Maui Skate Jam. Mahalo to all the kids for joining us, and to Sam Peralta of One Love Skate for leading the activities. See you all again in June"
-South Maui Parks
Check out our 1L journal to see more work Sam has done as he reps the One Love of Jesus in Maui and everywhere he goes. One of my favorites is his story about hanging out with Christian Hosoi. Please keep Sam in your prayers as he lives the one love.
From Shelby, NC in 2006 (See attached picture from the newspaper in Shelby, NC) to recently receiving our official tax-exempt status 501c3 letter from the IRS... As we live out the one love of Jesus, we have had opportunities to be a positive presence in the Philippines, Brazil, Maui, Oahu, Lanai, Molokai, Oregon, North Carolina, Ohio, Haiti, & even North Korea!
- We've given away lots of boards, stickers, t-shirts, hats, and one love cards. We've partnered with the county of Maui. We've partnered with the Maui County Baptist Association as well as several other ministries. We've purchased pizza and prizes for the skate community, and we've had lots of opportunities to share the One Love of Jesus.
- It's fun to look back at old blogs as far back as April 2010.
We'd like to raise another $25,000 before the end of 2015, but we are especially interested in receiving regular financial support through regular gifts, estate planning, or other income streams.
- These funds would not only support Nicole & me & our fam as we live this mission, but these funds would help us distribute skateboards, stickers, shirts, & use all we are to live the message of Jesus' One Love and help grow the ministry of One Love Skate and hopefully bring others on board!
- Thanks for considering giving a regular or one-time tax-deductible gift to "One Love Skate." Please click here for more information, or contact Josh.
- Also, please pray for wisdom as we start getting the message of One Love out more consistently through sales of our one love products. We are celebrating that Hi-Tech sells our 1L stickers, hats, and shirts now in some of their stores.
- Also, Pastor Jay & Joy Wright & their family serve at Lahaina Baptist Church and plan to have a "One Love Room" for youth ministry in their church as well as help us get the One Love Skate store going online, Lord-willing!
This year, Jared Nagura donated a new logo to us. Listen to Jared describe: What Is One Love?
- Our Love God ; Love People LOGO is explained more in this video, but our logo reminds us to point up and Love God and point down and love people as we live 1L.
We were tragically reminded how short life is this year.
This year, we lost a family member & grieved the death of a 17 year old who we skated with the night before he died... This led us to make some big changes in our life as we focus more on the calling God has given us to reach the skate community with the love of Jesus.
At least 3 people have this logo tattooed on their bodies now, and as the message of the 1L of Jesus goes out through skateboards, stickers, t-shirts, hats, & even tats, please pray for much fruit that remains to God's Glory!
- 3 weeks ago we sponsored Brian Mclellan with a One Love deck during skate church in Concord, NC. We're excited to see him skateboarding to God's glory. Check him out at @777fuego777
Today, my bride shared about the One Love of Jesus with the UPS guy because I left the 1L symbol in our driveway after pressure washing a couple of weeks ago. I was so encouraged to receive a text from Nicole that she was able to talk with the UPS guy about Jesus today because of the 1L logo.
This is our fam during a skate event with the County last Summer before Nicole was the camp speaker at Unashamed Camp 2015.
One conversation can be the difference between life and death. Thanks for checking out this update, and keep living the One Love of Jesus however He leads you!
One Love (1 John 4:9),
Josh & Nicole, Caleb, Paul
p.s. I realize this is a lot of content in this e-mail and on the blog, so I made a short video to help get some of the key points across. Please check out this video:
Feel free to share this content with a friend. Thanks for helping us live one love & spread the Word!
Copyright © 2006-2015, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
One Love Skate
PO BOX 880988
Pukalani, HI 96788
If you would like a tax-write off for 2015 and would like to help us Live the One Love of Jesus with your finances, please make sure your donations are postmarked before December 31, or please give online before the New Year. Thank you for your investment in our ministry!
“One Love Skate” is a tax-exempt nonprofit organization under Section 501(c)(3). Donors can deduct contributions they make to “One Love Skate.” Donate Here or visit