onelove life group at every skatepark in the world
Our One Love logo is both a “1” and an “L” ;and an “Arrow up, Arrow down” representing the name and several of our core values, which ultimately reflect our desire to know God’s Love for us, and show His Love to the world. We want to see a life group at every skatepark in the world. Even if it’s not called “One Love Skate” we pray for more laborers who will know Jesus and make Him known as a positive presence in their skate communities (Matthew 9:38).
We pray and work to help 1L be a tool to advance this mission.
To share the One Love of Jesus and be a positive presence in the skate community
We want to be shoulder to shoulder with soldiers for God’s Kingdom, and we are excited to see One Love Skate continuing to grow and impact more skaters to use their creativity, boldness, and persistence to show Jesus’ love in their communities.
through life groups, sponsorships, relationships, positive influence & environment
We help others (arrow up) know Jesus’ love and (arrow down) show Jesus’ love by having regular life groups at Pukalani skatepark in Maui and Hope Community Church in Shelby, NC. We also help encourage people to lead pop up events at other skateparks in Maui and NC and in Wyoming. We develop resources online to influence skaters through our online presence. We also help train people to show Jesus’ love through speaking opportunities and partnerships with different people, churches, and organizations.