Throw back: Australia April 2010 "Inslamnia" with YWAM Newcastle
My passion for skate events sparked at the age of 13 when I first started skating on the island of Maui. Since then I always wanted to travel with a group of your friends skating everything and anything.
Skateboarding has taken me around the world a handful of times. When I lived in Australia volunteering for YWAM Newcastle I got to host skate events around the city, take locals to skate parks around New South Wales, and have these indoor all night skate park sleep overs.
This is my crew in 2010. I will never forget spending time with the youth of Australia and how they impacted my life. At the time I thought I was doing a huge favor for them by running these events. But hindsight, these group of kids changed my life.
It was crazy how skateboarding (and scooting) can bring people together and make life long deep connections. I think about those times when I used to run the skate teams for "Youth Street" and those thoughts seem to fuel the flame of why I do what I still do today.