Joshua 1L Update #OneLoveSkate Oregon Trip (July 26-31, 2017)
1L Oregon was an incredible time from July 26-31, and it included giving away 5 #OneLoveSkate decks. We also gave away 50+ One Love Devotional & Discipleship guides as well as 5 t-shirts and hundreds of conversation stickers. Here are some #OneLoveSkate highlights from the trip.
So thankful to be #ShoulderToShoulder with my bride speaking last Sunday at Ashland Christian Fellowship sharing the 1L.
Here's a brief video update from me and Pastor Kenny today outside of the current 1L World Headquarters:
Below is Ashland Christian Fellowship's service from last Sunday, and then the rest of this blog is
1.) Medford July 2013-2017
2.) Burnside 1L Seeds
3.) Putt-putt with Artist Andrew & his skilled bride Julie
4) Skate Church Oregon with Tim Byrne
5.) #SeekTheMostHigh last week in Shelby, NC
- Nic & I do the "One Love Host Moment" at about 37 minutes, but the whole service was amazing: Rad Rob the worship leader switched me shirts at the end of the day after many people were saved and baptized. I was even convicted to be baptized because I couldn't remember being baptized as a kid, and Pastor Mark baptized me in the creek beside the church immediately following the service:
Here is a direct link to Ashland Christian Fellowship's Livestream last Sunday:
Recent posts - It's been a very busy week
1.) Medford Skatepark July 2013 & July 2017
July 2013 - Family picture in Medford Oregon from
So fun to have this picture four years later in July 2017 with Matt Langella who we skated with in Maui before he moved to Portland.
Very encouraged to be back at Medford skatepark after 4 years from July 2013. While taking the picture with Nicole & Matt Langella & our boys one of the skaters behind us flipped us off. The other kids apologized on his behalf. An upside down cross decorates a wall of Medford skatepark, and drugs and fatherlessness are destroying skaters in Medford, Oregon. So thankful to reconnect with Matt Langella and sow some hope with our new 1L Discipleship tools and 1L Skateboards! We pray Matt will help us make disciples who make disciples in Grants Pass, Oregon & all around the world.
2.) Skating Burnside & sowing 1L Seeds
I've wanted to skate Burnside skatepark under the Burnside Bridge in Portland since high school, so it was a dream come true for me. So thankful for Jon & Kyla letting me drive their car 4 hours to Portland and Adam letting me crash at his house! Normally I wouldn't leave 1L resources behind me at a skatepark, but I felt led to leave a 1L Discipleship Book wrapped in a longsleeve "What is One Love?" shirt in the fence at Burnside. I pray we can see many #OneLoveSkate #DiscipleCycles at Burnside.
3.) Putt-Putt in Portland with Andrew (designer of the 1L Hand deck) & his skilled bride Julie
Seeing God's sovereign hand & sovereign plan was a highlight of the trip for me! Andrew ( Insta: @grand_fathered ) designed our most popular "1L Hand" deck years ago when he was living in Colorado. Now, he and his bride have lived in Portland for over a year (very close to the house where I stayed), and we had a blast hanging out last Friday night.
Total blessings! They bought me amazing fish tacos for dinner at a food truck in Portland, we had a blast playing putt-putt, and (Andrew had called it when we talked about playing putt-putt) Julie got a hole-in-one on the last hole to put us to shame! :) So good.
4) Skate Church Oregon with Tim Byrne (
Such a blessing to get to hang with Tim Byrne & exchange a bunch of info & ministry vision along with burritos. Here's his misisonary update report from #OneLoveSkate action in Ashland, Oregon last October
Visiting Tim Byrne & following up from the October One Love Skate event w/ACF was a huge highlight! Skate Church in Portland has been around since 1987 reaching thousands with the 1L of Jesus, & Tim gave us great ministry wisdom and also resourced us with some great forms that we are tweaking for skate at 8 in Shelby, NC as well as for 1L B-ball.
Tim told me: "The best ability is availability." After eating burritos in the hood and thinking through great conversations with Tim, one of the big things God showed me from skate church is: The gospel does not gentrify us; the gospel sanctifies us. #OneLoveToTheNations #OneLoveSkate
Tim Byrne showing Tony Hawk's "Release of Liability" from 1992 at Skate Church.
Awesome to see how many people have been impacted by this faithful Portland ministry since "Pastor Paul" & the OG skate church guys began in 1987.
More info on
5.) #SeekTheMostHigh last week in Shelby, NC
Stoked. While we were traveling to Oregon last Wednesday night to see all of this happen, Rodney "MPact" Harrell was teaching the "Skate at 8" skaters in Shelby, NC to #LiveOneLove by Seeking the Most High (Isaiah 55:6).
Stoked to see more 1L Reps make disciples who make disciples all over the world in the skate community, and we continue to pray that we can disciple 1L reps at all 5 skateparks in Maui this year.
In the 1L of Jesus (1 John 4:9),
Joshua Marburger