Summer Work & 1L Mission Update at Waipuna this weekend #LiveOneLove
Check Out Our New Summer Update, &
Join us this weekend at Waipuna Chapel for a Missions Update
We Marburgers are back on Maui after having an amazing 1L Missions month in North Carolina!
Join us Friday at 7pm or Sunday at 8:30am or 10:30am at Waipuna Chapel as we share some highlights from our time in NC and look ahead to the next year.
Summer Speaking Opps
Another highlight included some #OneLoveLegacy action as three generations of Marburgers got to share in a Father's Day message at Element Church.
If anyone is interested in the links for Summer messages at Waipuna Chapel, Element Church, or Hope Community Church, contact us, and we can send them to you.
Latest Mailchimp Update:
Thanks To All Who Help Us #LiveOneLove
We appreciate all of you who support us with your prayers and finances!
Click Here To Set Up Monthly or One Time Donations To Support The Mission