Nicole's Update & Thank You :)
Undivided (Psalm 86:11) - Waipuna Chapel Sports & Arts Camp June 2022
Wow, as I sit here about a month out from camps, I am just so thankful for all that God is doing! If you’ve been keeping up with our prayer requests and praise updates, thank you for praying!
I trusted Jesus at 14 years old while attending a church summer camp on Maui. Because of the prayers of people like you, kids like me come to know the LORD at camp. Because of the way God used camp in my life, I have a special place in my heart for camps and programs dedicated to pouring Jesus into students!
Thankful to be here in NC doing mission moments at Pleasant City Church (7/3/22), Element Church (7/10/22), & Hope Community Church (7/17/22)
Because of my role as a One Love missionary, I am able to pour into the youth on Maui by teaching about the One Love of Jesus at camps and through AWANA. His love is the only love, the One Love, that never fails. God’s love is the only love that creates, sustains, and satisfies. And students need to hear it!
Awana Upcountry at Waipuna Chapel this year
I was privileged to be the large group speaker for our church’s first year doing AWANA. This amazing children’s program has the goal of reaching boys and girls for the Gospel of Christ and training them to serve Him. We followed the school calendar and met every Tuesday night this past school year. Also, I was honored to be the Sport’s and Arts Camp speaker this summer for elementary aged students, and it was awesome to have a lot of my AWANA kids there learning about having an undivided heart from Psalm 86:11.
I also had the opportunity to be the high school camp speaker this summer—going “Through the Waters”: looking at our journey with the Lord through the lens of Israel’s journey with God in Exodus. With this older age group, we got to go deep into studying about the bondage of sin around us and in us (Egypt), how rules are necessary for relationship (Mt. Sinai), the cancer of sin and the cleansing power of God’s holiness (instructions for the Tabernacle), and the promise of belonging (Promised Land).
My Joshua with his dear friend and mentor, Pastor Neil Perry at Element Church last Sunday
It’s been sweet to reflect on all that God’s has done and is doing as we share with 3 different supporting churches here in North Carolina this month. One Pastor, after Josh and I shared a mission moment, had everyone in the congregation stand up if they came to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior before age 18. About 80-85% of the people stood up. He mentioned that for that very reason, ministries like One Love Skate are important. It was like a divine hug from God. The prayers, encouragement, and support from the body of believers here really puts wind in our sails.
Through The Waters (Exodus) - Unashamed Hawaii Senior High Camp Maluhia June 2022
We feel beyond blessed to have the freedom and support to live out our calling as One Love missionaries. God is working through this dynamic discipleship and evangelism ministry, and we are so thankful for partners like you who help make it all possible!