Call to Move | Experience 1L Day Video (8/13/17)
As Joshua and Nicole (and all of us) transition, we rest knowing: "What is over our heads is under God's feet." As Isaiah 55 explains, God's ways truly are higher than our ways.
Last Sunday was "Experience 1L Day" at Hope Community Church, and Joshua shared that he recently accepted a position as Associate Pastor at Waipuna Chapel back in Maui, Hawaii.
After both services and baptisms Sunday, we took this picture in front of the "What's One Love? Sign.
Thankful skaters from the community joined us for the service along with other special guests!
Please pray for grace for the Marburger move:
- Family transition to Maui
- Nicole's new missionary roles with One Love Skate (501c3): Communicating, Connecting, & Creating
- Ministry of Waipuna Chapel - Great relationships with staff, lots of spiritual fruit through life groups / Waipuna's services, plus revival on Maui as Joshua serves as Associate Pastor of Life Groups and Discipleship
- Marburgers continue full-time work with One Love Skate, and Joshua's yearly month of unpaid leave (plus additional vacation time) from Waipuna to pursue 1L ministry opps
- 1L Reps to be Discipled, Resourced, & Equipped at all 5 skateparks in Maui this year as we partner with people, churches, and organizations
Last Sunday, during the services at Hope Community we saw people stand up and commit to share the 1L of Jesus this week.
We also celebrated a profession of faith, three baptisms, and people called to ministry.
“[God] reveals that He is El Elyon, God Most High… the only true God. He is the only God who can save. He is the only God who created the entire world. He is the only God that can really satisfy a human’s longing for a relationship with God. He is certainly the only One who can save us from our sin.”
About 11 Minutes in to last Sunday's message, Dr. Wilbanks, from North Greenville University, shares about "El Elyon" and mentions the One Love #SeekTheMostHigh Devotional from Hope Community Church.
Download Devotional by clicking here:
Baptisms and more sermon videos can be viewed on Hope Community Church's Youtube:
Audio file of "Experience 1L Day" may be downloaded here:
Chandler Young, on the left, has been a huge blessing to One Love Skate & One Love Basketball, and he completed his internship last Sunday with a special prayer time during the service led by Pastor Jeff Marburger. Chandler has taught us how important it is to be #ShoulderToShoulder encouraging each other as we work together to take #OneLoveToTheNations. He also regularly beat Jeff in ping-pong.
Chandler plans to continue leading One Love Basketball in Mars Hill, North Carolina as he completes his Senior Year of College and serves at his church. Keep up the great work, Chandler!