Big Transitions, Brody's Talk On The Container, & What's Next...
Stoked to be back on Maui & back at Keopuolani Skatepark last Wednesday. So fun to skate & hang with Sam P., Paul, & some skaters who have been part of 1L events in the past.
Through big transitions, we are continuing to live out the Most High's call "Shoulder-to-shoulder with soldiers for God's Kingdom" to serve as 1L Missionaries everywhere we go, & we can't do it without your prayer support!
Joshua is enjoying serving full-time as Life Groups & Discipleship Pastor at Waipuna Chapel as Nicole is enjoying new roles with One Love, and more than ever we need you to keep helping us with your prayers (2 Corinthians 1:11).
Thanks those of you who lift up the Monday 3 each week. We appreciate your prayer support more than you know!
This month we removed the password to make these prayer requests more accessible:
Nicole has been working hard with her new roles "communicating, connecting, & creating" w/ One Love Skate 501(c)(3).
If you missed Nicole communicating at Unashamed camp last summer, here's a link from Unashamed Hawaii:
Brody & "Mpact" Talk On Container Last Week
Dub, one of the bikers working security last Wednesday, sent this picture featured on @oneloveskateoutreach instagram of Brody (from Shelby) & Rodney (from Philly) sharin' the 1L of Jesus w/Shelby, NC community.
Upcoming events
"Life-change happens in life groups," and we pray that this year we can train 1L Reps w/our "1L Leader Training" at all 5 Maui skateparks to rep the 1L of Jesus & help skaters "live through Him" (1 John 4:9).
Password: "liveonelove"
- Stay tuned for more details on the upcoming event at Paia skatepark with Sam P!